Wednesday, October 28, 2015

#Cheetos TVC – The Hunger Games with a Fist of FUN!

Photo Source: Cheetos Pakistan

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys."
Harmon Killebrew

And that’s how dads do the deal!

There’s no relationship quite like the one that exists between a father and a son. He’s not only a mentor to you but he’s more often than not the best companion one could ever have – the one who knows how to turn mere moments into exciting adventures while having fun! Cheetos with their new TVC, which is currently being aired, has encapsulated the same essence in their commercial unleashing a new type of Kung Fu fighting that is all about FUN than fury.

The advertisement opens with a father and son duo completely indulged in watching TV while munching on their favorite bright orange Cheetos only until they are left with the last one in the bowl. This is supposed to be the defining moment where the little boy drifts away into a fantasy battle while Chester, the Cheetos’ old time mascot, makes his appearance calling for some Kung Fu moves which makes this ad all entertaining. What makes this Kung Fu hustle more captivating is the fact that it is being played with a pair of dressed up hands acting like fighters kicking and stomping while battling for the last bite.

Focusing more on the visuals rather than jingles, it’s a kind of advertisement that would let you stay glued to your screens till it ends. Moreover, the TVC has its own share of catchy phrases that are designed to leave a lasting image on your mind. For instance, you never know you might be found exclaiming, “May the best hand wins!” once you are done watching the ad. Because that’s exactly what I did and that’s exactly what it does to you!

Resonating with its fun brand personality, I believe that the ad has turned out to be a success in building the brand’s imagery and in communicating the intended message to the viewers – that is to let Cheetos add flavors and fun to your life and moments (something that one can’t resist).

In case you haven’t seen the ad yet, you can watch it here:

How far can you go for the last bite of CHEETOS? Grab your favourite pack right now.. and LET THE FUN BEGIN!
Posted by Cheetos Pakistan on Sunday, October 18, 2015

P.S. Do you know that making a Kung Fu pose might just help you win some exciting prizes? Head over to Cheetos Pakistan and join in the competition! Let the FUN Begin! J

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